Hey everyone, welcome back to the blog! In this short and sweet article, I will be talking about my 5 self-care books!

In the recent articles I have posted, I only covered the number of books and what inspired me to write them, but I haven't told you what kind of content is inside these self-love and self-care books.
The very first book I wrote is called the 50 Day Self-Care Book. It’s a workbook to help guide you through your self-care journey and teaches you that self-care is not just about bubble baths and painting nails, it’s about loving who you are and building healthy habits. This book is meant for those who want to start their self-care journey now or even those who need encouragement to start their journey. Get started on building healthy habits, setting boundaries, and loving yourself!
Then we have Perfectly Imperfect: The Self-Esteem Workbook. I realized that in a life where social media dominates our minds, standards, values, and opinions, we always seem to compare ourselves to the imaginary. Perfectly Imperfect is created to guide you through your journey of self-love and learning how to embrace your imperfections because you are truly Perfectly Imperfect!
I also created a collection called Her Affirmations, which are books that are filled with 40-50 positive, empowering affirmations and quotes.
For those of you that don’t know what affirmations are, they’re positive short statements that help you practice positive thinking and self-empowerment. In these books, you can also find some activities to practice self-love and building healthy mental habits. We currently have Her Affirmations for students, self-love, and general daily affirmations.
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Thanks so much for reading and stay tuned on our blog and socials for more posts about our books and fun content!