The New Year is coming up and coming in fast. We all have resolutions, things we want to do better, things we want to do differently, and GOALS we want to achieve, but sometimes we might find it hard to stay motivated so I've created this post to guide you through motivation, determination and how to set your goals!
Have you ever created a dream board or Vision Board? If you've never created a dream board and would like to create one click here to learn how to create one and the lesson behind dream boards.
1. I know what you're probably thinking, "What does a dream board have to do with the New Year?", well it's a board that helps keep you motivated by visually seeing your goals. Also, having a good title will also help you stay motivated because you can't forget what you're trying to accomplish in the New Year. Titles such as "Things I want to achieve in this year", "Places I want to travel this year", "My Goals for this year", etc. are great ones to use and titles I have personally used. A dream board consist of pictures and words that can be motivational and/or something that describes where you want to be in your goal. You can always redo your dream board if you feel it needs some adjustment. Dream boards can also be used to set job goals, year round goals and educational goals. Below are some examples of dream boards. To see more examples click here.
2. Now aside from the dream board and vision board, there are many other ways to achieve your goals such as having a goal buddy. Yes, I know it may sound cheesy, but having a goal buddy helps in many ways like holding each other accountable, motivating each other, helping one another achieve their goals and more. Your goal buddy can be a family member or friend(s) of your choice. This is a good way to stay on top of your goals because you have someone holding you accountable and criticizing you so that you know the things you need to stop doing and the things you need to start doing.
3. Set time goals within the year and take action on it. This means set specific dates and times for when you need to complete a certain task, for an example: My goal for this year is to workout more and maintain a healthy diet. At the end of every month, I will track my weight and see how much progress I have made, and at the beginning of every month, I will create a grocery list of all the food I need to get in order to make healthy meals for me to eat within the month.
4. Tell people about your goals. When you tell your goals to people, you'll be surprised with how many people are there to encourage you and sometimes that's all you need, encouragement from others. It feels good to have people there cheering for you and celebrating with you when you accomplish your goals. I remember when I played basketball, at every game I would get so happy and excited when I made a shot because it felt good to hear people cheering in the crowd and it made me want to do better in every game and that's exactly how life is. You do better when you're being encouraged, but of course stay self motivated too.
What's your New Year's resolution?
Thanks for reading and make sure to share this post with your friends and family to give them a boost in starting off the New Year right! Don't forget to set your goals, write out a plan and have a Happy New Year!